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5 Things You Need to Know about Jakob Rope Systems Green Façades

on July 8, 2019 at 11:37 am under , ,

Boca Raton, FL. (July 8, 2019) – Contemporary architecture is increasingly focusing on Vertical Greening Systems as a means to restore the environmental integrity of urban areas, biodiversity and sustainability. Planners and architects who have teamed up with Jakob Rope Systems are already producing outstanding results and are defining new dimensions for “art on buildings” with Jakob Green Façade System.

Following are 5 Things You Need to Know about Jakob Rope Systems Green Façades:

1.  Jakob Rope Systems offers Green Façades: 

Green Façades are wall systems where climbing plants or cascading groundcovers are trained to cover specially designed supporting structures. Plant materials can be rooted at the base of the structures, in intermediate planters, or on rooftops. Green Façades can be attached to existing walls or built as freestanding structures.

2.  What is the difference between our Green Façade and a Living wall:

  • Living walls (also called biowalls, “mur” vegetal, or vertical gardens) are composed of pre-vegetated panels or integrated fabric systems that are affixed to a structural wall or frame.
  • Modular panels can be comprised of polypropylene plastic containers, geotextiles, irrigation, and growing medium and vegetation.
  • This system supports a great diversity of plant species, including a mixture of groundcovers, ferns, low shrubs, perennial flowers, and edible plants.
  • Living walls perform well in full sun, shade, and interior applications, and can be used in both tropical and temperate locations.
  • Due to the diversity and density of plant life, living walls require more intensive maintenance (regular water, nutrients, fertilizer) than Green Façades.

3.  What are the best plant types to use for Green Façades:

Green Façades use climbing plants, which are divided into self-supporting plants (root climbers and adhesive-suckers) and plants that need supporting structure (twining vines, leaf-stem climbers, leaf climbers, and scrambling plants). Climbers vary by hardiness, orientation, and climate.

4.  What are the different types of Green Façades supports structures:

  • Modular trellis systems — Stainless Steel cable and rope wire systems consist of a kit of parts that includes high-tensile steel cables, wire trellises, anchors, spacers, and supplementary equipment. Vertical and horizontal wires can be connected through cross clamps to form a flexible trellis system in various sizes and patterns. To cover large areas, stainless steel wire-rope nets can be supported on flexible or rigid frames.
  • Single Cables System – Cables can be oriented in a vertical or horizontal arrangement and spaced to suit overall look and/or plant type selected. Single Cable Trellis systems are a great way to draw vines ‘up’ a space while scrambling plants love to sprawl sideways along horizontal style trellises.
  • Webnet for Greening – The stainless-steel mesh Webnet as a plant support blends well with modern architecture and enables an exact greening of the Façade.

5. Benefits for Green Façades:

  • Impact on Buildings
    • Indoor temperature – Up to 30% energy saving due to evaporative cooling and shading.
    • Indoor noise reduction – Less noise due to sound reflection and absorption.
    • Ventilation – Air preconditioning improves air quality.
    • Eco-balance – Improved CO2 balance and longevity of components.
  • Impact on Urban Environment
    • Variety of species – Promotion of biodiversity keeps the variety of species in balance – including pests and their natural predators.
    • Conceptualization – Greening is a versatile architectural design elements for facades and freestanding structures.
    • Acceptance – Façade greening is an efficient and cost-effective measure for upgrading urban spaces.
    • Air quality – Additional greened surfaces promotes oxygen generation while trapping dust and pollutants.
  • Benefits of Green Facades
    • Cost advantage – Cost savings with facades greening projects are based mainly on the improved energy efficiency of buildings and the extended service life of the Façade components.
    • Dwelling quality – Greening brings nature back to the city and makes urban spaces more livable. A pleasant climate, less noise, and better air quality are perceptible effects that enhance our well-being.
    • Ecology – Greening keeps a city’s ecosystem balanced. Energy savings mean less consumption of our natural resources.

Our wire ropes, webnet, rods & fasteners can be used for various applications: railing balustrades; safety netting; training systems & trellises for green facades; as well as other structural applications such as canopies, & tensioning supports. Our Boca Raton, Florida office consists of a team of architects, technicians, and sales consultants, who coordinate all sales activities for North America. We strive to combine the aesthetic sense of the architect with the structural requests of the contractor and engineer, allowing us to offer an incredibly broad product range. The applications are limited only by your imagination!

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