Laura Millan Lombraña of Bloomberg Green writes:
Spectacular technology breakthroughs, multiple trillions of euros in investment, and an economic overhaul won’t be enough to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050—it also will need a new look.
Three leaders in sustainable design envision what buildings might look like once the continent goes net-zero
Bloomberg Green invited Julien De Smedt, Casper Mork-Ulnes, and Koichi Takada, all architects known for their focus on sustainability to perform an exercise of imagination. The rules were simple: Pick a place in Europe, design a single-family home to suit that climate, and make it produce more energy than it uses.
Stabbur House, by Casper Mork-Ulnes
“The most sustainable square meter is the one you actually don’t build.”
Flora House, by Julien De Smedt
“If you talk about environmental building and sustainability, the biggest failure of a building is to be taken down. A large part of our aim as architects is to stop this endless new building trend.”
Sunflower House, by Koichi Takada
“Modernism was based on a static style—a combination of steel, glass, and concrete that I call dead materials. What we are looking at in the 21st century is a shift from industrial to natural. It’s about celebrating the living material and the living architecture.”
Read more: Architects Imagine the Dream Homes of Europe’s Green Future