Additional Resources
See the profiles from KRJDA and Wiles Mensch Corporation (WMC).
Learn about Emory Knoll Farms / Green Roof Plants in The Greenroof & Greenwall Directory.
1101 New York Avenue is a LEED Gold certified high-rise building located in Washington, D.C., the first LEED Gold Certified Office Building in Washington, DC (Core and Shell). The structure rises to 50 metres (160 ft), containing 12 floors.
“1101 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 1101 New York Avenue, one of Washington’s newest landmark buildings, sets the standard for architecture and construction in the city. Designed to meet the highest levels of quality and efficiency, this new office building has achieved a LEED Gold rating.
“The building’s unique structural system results in no perimeter columns on three sides of the 393,000 sq ft Class A building. The clear glass façade, dark granite base, glass canopy and unusually open position on New York Avenue provide a strong identity for executive tenants in the building. The area surrounding 1101 New York Avenue is part of the revitalization of Washington’s downtown core. With the redevelopment of the site of the old Convention Center additional retail and residential facilities will be brought into the area as well as entertainment venues and public spaces.
“WMC provided civil engineering services for this project, including LEED and green roof design, streetlight conduit design, site redesign, and DC Water approval of the plan and profile for the revised sanitary sewer and storm sewer, (WMC).
Planned for September 2006, this project has a succulent planting consisting of 30,650 assorted sedum and 2,400 sempervivum in 3.5″ pots.