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Learn about Etera® Green Roof Plants in the Greenroof Directory. For additional information, contact Darcy Drysdale at or visit our website at

Environmental sustainability is a core value of South Shore School. The building includes a small demonstration green roof that is viewable from classrooms.

Green roof components for this project were supplied by American Hydrotech. Lightweight engineered soil is the last component added before the vegetation. A depth of 4″ is spread over filter fabric, raked, compacted with a roller, and watered in preparation to be planted.

Etera All Seasons SEDUM TILE® prevegetated mats are used for this project. This mix of Sedums provides interest all year with seasonal foliage and flower changes. One of the obvious benefits of SEDUM TILE® is the instant coverage. Since this school was completed in late summer, not much time was allowed for the plants to grow out prior to building occupancy.

No permanent irrigation is installed, but a hose bib is available on the deck if needed during root establishment or long periods of dry hot weather. Watering needs should be minimal as should be maintenance in general.


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