Additional Resources
Vancouver International Airport(YVR) is located in Richmond, BC V7B 1K7; visit the YVR website. Read: The Vancouver Airport Authority’s blog post by Kelly of 11.6.10 “From saving energy to planting trees, YVR?s on the winning streak” and Linda Velazquez’s Sky Gardens post of the Greenwall Project of the Week (GPW) for the YVR Canada Line Station 4 Living Wall of 3.26.10 here. Visit Sharp & Diamond Landscape Architecture to learn more:
“Vancouver International Airport celebrates British Columbia?s distinctive cultural heritage and natural beauty. Centred around an architectural theme of land, sea, and sky, as well as around iconic works of art that highlight Northwest Coast First Nations talent, YVR is transformed into more than just an airport,” (YVR website).
On behalf of YVR, Sharp & Diamond Landscape Architecture was awarded the CSLA (Canadian Society of Landscape Architects) 2010 National Honor Award for Airport Landscape Management featuring the extensive and intensive green roof, living wall, and transformation of a major highway landscape into a four seasons parkway, 3 kilometers of the Canada Line rapid transit, and First Nations art inside and outside (on the extensive greenroof) the terminal. And in November, the Vancouver Airport Authority received the 2010 BC Landscape and Nursery Association ? 2010 Corporate Award.
Also at YVR, a green wall greetd international passengers arriving into Vancouver International Airport. The wall is a living tapestry featuring flowing waves of foliage, colours, and textures. The G-Sky modular living wall system is composed of pre-vegetated panels made of stainless steel. Beyond aesthetics, the wall has multiple environmental benefits including evaporative cooling, air purification, and acoustical control. See the profile for the YVR Canada Line Station 4 Living Wall.