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The Walter Reed Community Center & Park is located at 2909 16th St S, Arlington, VA 22204; 703.228.0935. See the profiles from SOPREMA; Marion Construction; and ABP. Learn about Emory Knoll Farms/Green Roof Plants in The Greenroof & Greenwall Directory.

The Walter Reed Community Center incorporates academic, daycare, community gardens, gym, multi-purpose center, commercial kitchen, Teen Center, and a Senor Center. To meet the growing needs of the local neighborhood, Arlington County needed to upgrade an existing community center located in South Arlington off the Columbia Pike Corridor. In keeping with the county’s current standards, the new construction project was built to meet a LEED Silver Rating.

“Unique features of the project include a green roof, stained concrete floors, interactive gardens, community gardens, hiking trail, native vegetation meadows, and reuse of salvaged materials from the original structure,” (Marion Construction).

Planted in August 2005.


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